Library and Information Service >
Research on Ontology Construction Based on FCA and Heterogeneous Resources Integration
Received date: 2014-09-23
Revised date: 2014-12-31
Online published: 2015-01-20
[Purpose/significance] The ontology built by a single resource has a limitation on conceptual integrity and semantic relation of integrity. This paper aims to resolve this problem, as well as meet the personalized needs of users on the resource retrieval. It is an available alternative to synthesize advantages of FCA and heterogeneous resources, and utilize heterogeneous resources ontology construction. [Method/process] Specifically, as data sources, the paper develops formal contexts of thesaurus and folksonomy respectively, and obtains the formal contexts of heterogeneous resources by apposition-overlap operation. Afterwards, it is necessary to transform these formal contexts to concept lattices, and extract a conceptual model. Then, protégé tool and OWL language are applied to construct an experimental ontology. [Result/conclusion] Finally, Lexical Overlap, Ontology Improvement, Ontology Loss were adopted to evaluate the effect of this experimental ontology. The results suggest that the fusion ontology, which can enrich concepts and their relations more effectively, has more advantages than the ontology built by a single resource. Furthermore, it provides a new feasible scheme for ontology construction.
Key words: ontology; FCA; heterogeneous resources; evaluate
Qiu Xuan , Li Duanming , Zhang Zhihui . Research on Ontology Construction Based on FCA and Heterogeneous Resources Integration[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(2) : 112 -117,50 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.02.018
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