Research on the Support of Digital Library on the Distance Education and Training of Civil Servants

  • Jiang Yaling
  • Dalian Party School of CPC,Dalian 116013 Dalian Administratative College, Dalian 116013

Received date: 2014-07-16

  Revised date: 2014-10-09

  Online published: 2014-11-07


From the viewpoint of distance education and training, this paper takes the example of Dalian city cadre online, combines with the usage of local distance education and training, discusses the educational function of digital library for civil servants, and analyzes the requirements of the distance education and training of civil servants about digital library. Considering the existing issues in the distance education and training of civil servants, the paper also puts advises to optimize the digital library support for the civil servants of distance education and training proposal.

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Jiang Yaling . Research on the Support of Digital Library on the Distance Education and Training of Civil Servants[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(21) : 66 -72 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.21.010


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