Inquiry of Library Innovation Driving Force

  • Wang Liping
  • South China University of Technology Library, Guangzhou 510641

Received date: 2014-08-13

  Revised date: 2014-08-31

  Online published: 2014-10-05


In a changing environment, library innovation is not an option, but a necessity. Based on the analysis of library innovation connotation, this paper proposes a library innovation-driven model and makes an empirical study on innovation drive of PDA (patron-driven acquisition) program. By analyzing the internal and external factors which drive the library innovation and the relationship between dynamic factors, this paper draws the following conclusions: library innovation is the open innovation model, the library should cooperate with users, suppliers and even competitors innovation; library alliance is the innovative bridge and link; the internal motivation factors are decisive for library sustainable development.

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Wang Liping . Inquiry of Library Innovation Driving Force[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(19) : 39 -44,73 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.19.006


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