A Methodological Survey on the Study of User Relevance Judgment in Context of Cognitive Turn

  • Wang Jian ,
  • Wang Zhiqiang ,
  • Liu Qian ,
  • Cui Yunpeng ,
  • Zhao Hua ,
  • Wang Jian ,
  • Man Rui
  • 1. Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081;
    2. Institute of Geography Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Acaderny of Sciences, Beijing 100039

Received date: 2014-07-09

  Revised date: 2014-08-14

  Online published: 2014-09-20


The paper constructs a set of sample documents with 55 representative research documents from 82 published during 1967 to 2013. A survey on these sample documents shows that there are many common and regular ideas and operations among methodology thoughts and specific research methods, such methodological consensus form a reference methodological framework which 1) takes its core from three principles including situation dependency of user relevance judgment, cognitive main-factors of relevance judgment and operating research in real situation, 2) covers vertically the layers of methodology philosophy, research strategy and research planning, and 3) horizontally touches some key procedures of making a research plan such as sampling, data collecting and analyzing. The paper concludes that the cognitive view in the domain of information seeking and retrieval (ISR) is the main driver for the forming, developing and further evolving the framework. By the viewpoint the paper forecasts the future development of the framework.

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Wang Jian , Wang Zhiqiang , Liu Qian , Cui Yunpeng , Zhao Hua , Wang Jian , Man Rui . A Methodological Survey on the Study of User Relevance Judgment in Context of Cognitive Turn[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(18) : 66 -76 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.18.010


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