This paper presents a case of CAMS & PUMC medical library which performs a card sorting test to optimize its discovery system's architecture. It briefly describes open and closed card sorting techniques, quantitative and qualitative methods of analyzing data commonly, and a detailed instruction of the experiment has been used in national science library of Chinese Academic Science. Then, it summarizes the results by analyzing the sorted data through cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling analysis and tag names analysis. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the study are discussed. The findings of the study will allow CAMS & PUMC medical library design team to vastly improve its discovery system's initial designs for a new Web site tabbed navigation system.
Sun Qi
Ren Huiling
Chen Yifan
Wang Luyao
. Confirming Tag Names and Classification in Web Design of Discovery System:An Empirical Study Illustrating the Card Sort Technique[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(03)
: 111
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.03.018
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