In order to resolve the problems of the lack of text structure and semantic information in the vector space model and the bottleneck problem of annotation in dealing with large numbers of unlabeled samples, this paper introduces a method of short texts classification based on semi-supervised learning. It is feasible to maintain the relationship between samples and can also make full use of the unlabeled parts to improve the performance of the classifier. It is a self-training algorithm that connects the large numbers of unlabeled parts and the labeled together to learn based on graph structure, so that the training samples can be enlarged and used to build the final text classifier. The contrast experiment shows that the algorithm of short text classification based on semi-supervised learning can get better classified effect.
Zhang Qian
Liu Huailiang
. Research on Short Text Classification Based on Semi-supervised Learning by Graph Structure[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(21)
: 126
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.21.020
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