The interdisciplinary and translational research model brings new challenges and opportunities for the development of library and information science. Efforts of library and informatics' support services for translational research include translational research literatures retrieval, clinical information management, bioinformatics tools and methods support, research collaboration support, and tracing and evaluating services. Universities, hospitals and scientific research institutes in China are developing translational medical research centers. To solve the problems in the translation, both library and information services should make four priority efforts combined with their own advantages. Firstly, they should measure and reveal the process of translational research in special areas through literature analysis. Secondly, they should help scientists to discover and find best cooperators with intelligence analysis and mining method. Thirdly, they should establish a collaborative information platform for scientists and researchers, to know about outputs each other and find cooperators and cooperative directions. Finally, it is necessary to develop performance evaluation index system suitable for Chinese translational research work.
Du Jian
Tang Xiaoli
. Information Support for Translational Medicine Research:New Direction for Medical Library and Information Services[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(20)
: 62
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.20.010
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