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Statistical Analysis and Enlightenment of Chinese Postgraduate Education on Knowledge Management
Received date: 2013-01-30
Revised date: 2013-04-09
Online published: 2013-05-05
This paper selects the Directory of Professional Students of Master Degree Candidate or Doctoral Candidate of Chinese universities and scientific research institutions as its research objective. It mainly focuses on two disciplines of library and information science and management science,and makes a census of research institutions which do correlative research on "knowledge management"(KM) and their postgraduate programs with Excel. It discovers that KM research concentrates on five majors which are library science,information science, management science and engineering,technology economy and management, and business administration (enterprise management). This paper also makes a comparative analysis on KM postgraduate education of two different disciplines from three prospects of fund,dissertation and research method. Finally,it explores the enlightenment for promoting Chinese KM postgraduate education sound development in five aspects of defining KM training objectives,perfecting KM curriculum system,setting KM subordinate disciplines,compiling KM authoritative teaching materials and studying KM overseas education experience.
Sun Xiaoning , Chu Jiewang . Statistical Analysis and Enlightenment of Chinese Postgraduate Education on Knowledge Management[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(09) : 27 -36 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.09.005
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