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The Interactional Relationship Between Scientific Research and Practical Innovation in Libraries
Received date: 2013-03-01
Online published: 2013-03-20
Academic libraries not only need to effectively support the university education and research, but also to do research by themselves and strengthen the interaction between research and practical innovation. They should focus on and improve the research to guide and promote the practical innovation. The reasons for lack of interaction between research and practice, are lack of scientific research consciousness and clear objectives, prejudice in research and lack of support and advocacy, poor research capabilities and weak learning abilities, laxly research team and lack of team spirit, lack of research motivation and proper evaluation. So academic universities need to define the research appropriately and strengthen the research awareness, improve research mechanism and develop academic atmosphere, educate research capabilities and excise research abilities, make clear research direction and promote practical innovation, develop research teams and form group wisdom, form research good cycle and reach academic realm.
Key words: library; academic library; scientific research; practical innovation
Wang Yu . The Interactional Relationship Between Scientific Research and Practical Innovation in Libraries[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(06) : 70 -72,96 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.06.012
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