There is an essential difference between library’s openness and service. The expression of "academy library's openness to society" always leads to wrong understanding and different interpretation because of its narrow extension, unclear conception, unknown implication, and single orientation. The expression of "academic library services for society" is better than "academy library's openness to society" since its rich meaning, broad extension, and avoidance of wrong understanding and stimulation of academic library's innovation.The "academic library services for society" includes some intellectual output, such as information service, professional guidance, method training, personnel training, technical support, program planning, project cooperation, the academic model and research service. This orientation is not only the requirement in essence, but also the trend in future.
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Patiman. , {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.
Academic Library Services for Society: The Misunderstood Orientation[J]. Library and Information Service, 2010, 54(19): 133-136
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