Study on the Kinds,Characteristics and Users' Reriuirements of the Social Science Literature

Wang Xincai

Library and Information Service ›› 1994, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5) : 11-15.

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Library and Information Service ›› 1994, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5) : 11-15.

Study on the Kinds,Characteristics and Users' Reriuirements of the Social Science Literature

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According to the difference in the style,research methods and research contents of literature,the social science literature can be divided into six kinds,and by the estimation of the requirements far the can be arranged as the following orders in terms of their importance: (1)1iterature of theoreticalrecagnition; (2)literature of phenomenal description,(3)Iiterature of law, regulation and standard}(4)litera-lure of experience and knowledge; (5)literature of art imagination, and (6)literature of information and ad-vertisement.

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Wang Xincai. Study on the Kinds,Characteristics and Users' Reriuirements of the Social Science Literature[J]. Library and Information Service, 1994, 38(5): 11-15


1 李晓明.模糊性:人类认识之谈.北京。人民出版社.1985

2 [美〕艾尔·巴比若,李银河编译甲社会研究方法.成都.四川人民出版社,1987

3 郭星寿,社会科学文献学.武汉:武汉大学出版社,1990

4 陈誉主编.社会科学情报工作导论,上海.华东师范大学出版社,1991

5 许志峰等主编.社会科学史.北京.中国展望出版社,1989

6 张天俊.我国社科情报用户俪求分析与顶侧研究,武汉大学硕士研究生学位论文,1990

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