[Purpose/significance] Based on the migration project of Beijing Normal University library from integrated library system Aleph500 to the next generation library service platform Alma, this paper describes the implementation phase, personnel input, time arrangement, key nodes and key work of the migration project, analyzes the characteristics of the project implementation based on the results of literature research, and summarizes the rules of the project to provide experience for other libraries to complete related work. [Method/process] The paper investigates the cases of Alma system migration in foreign libraries, using the method of literature research. Based on the project of Alma system migration in the library of Beijing Normal University, three main stages of project implementation were introduced, and the characteristics of project implementation were analyzed. [Result/conclusion] In the process of the project, because there are many special situations for the external system conditions and the library's application, the time allocation of the main completion phase in Beijing Normal University Library is different from that of the literature research cases. Meanwhile, the technical staff of the library system undertook the organization and communication of the project team, and the business librarians who deal with the work related to electronic resource management also made some contributions.
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