[目的/意义] 随着国内图书馆自助借还系统需求的不断增长,其功能和成本问题越来越受到关注。通过对Barcode模式、RFID模式、Barcode+RFID模式的功能等进行比较分析,为国内图书馆选购提供参考。[方法/过程] 在充分调研的基础上,归纳梳理各种模式的功能和特点,从3种模式的成本价格、借还书效率、安全性等方面进行比较分析。[结果/结论] Barcode模式中的D型自助借还系统价格低廉,功能较同类产品强,建议国内中小型图书馆在选购Barcode模式自助借还系统时优先考虑购买。
[Purpose/significance] With the increasing demand for self-check system in domestic libraries, its function and cost are becoming more and more concerned. This article compares and analyzes the functions of Barcode mode, RFID model and Barcode+RFID mode, and provides reference for the purchase of domestic libraries.[Method/process] Based on the full investigation, the functions and characteristics of various models were summarized, and the cost price, borrowing and returning speed and safety of the three models were compared and analyzed.[Result/conclusion] The D self-check system in Barcode mode is cheaper and has better functions than similar products. It is recommended that small and medium-sized libraries in China should give priority to buying Barcode mode when they choose to purchase self-check system.
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