[目的/意义]探究在协同与独立模式下完成信息搜索任务的过程中,用户在搜索体验、交互行为方面的差异,试图通过对比研究来理解协同信息搜索行为的特点,为协同搜索系统的设计提供借鉴。[方法/过程]基于图书交互式检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)进行实验,共招募16名独立被试和18名协同被试到实验室完成多种类型的书目搜索任务,对搜索前后问卷记录的搜索体验以及后台服务器记录的搜索过程交互行为进行对比分析。[结果/结论]搜索体验方面,协同搜索被试比独立搜索被试对实验系统的功能评价更好,对系统的美感、耐用性、新颖度评价更高,参与实验的专注度更高,但却感到更加费力;搜索行为方面,相比独立模式下的被试,协同模式下的被试在目标型任务中进行更多次决策,尤其是删除书目的决策,意味着协同搜索被试在搜索后期会进行更多的决策讨论和整理;在探索任务中,协同被试比独立被试的平均决策时间和首次决策时间都更长,可能是由于在探索任务中协同被试的参与度更高、讨论更多。
[Purpose/significance] This study aims to explore the differences between collaborative mode and individual mode of information search on search experience and search interaction, trying to understand the characteristics of collaborative information search from various angles.[Method/process] The experiment is designed based on books interactive retrieval platform (CLEF-Social Book Search). Sixteen independent and eighteen collaborative participants are recruited to the laboratory to complete different types of book search tasks. Users' interactions with the system during search are recorded through the backend server; while their search experience is recorded by questionnaires completed before and after the search. In data analysis, users' interactions and search experience are compared between two search modes.[Result/conclusion] (1) Search experience:Compared with individual searchers, collaborative searchers have better evaluation on experiment system function and higher evaluation on aesthetics, durability, novelty of the system, and participate in the search more intently. However, collaborative searcher felt a bit more frustrated and mentally taxing than individual searchers. (2) Search strategies:Compared with individual searchers, collaborative searchers make more decisions in the goal-oriented task, especially the decision of removing books from bookbag, which indicates collaborative searchers need to sort the books in the later stage. In the open-ended task, collaborative searchers spend more time before each decision than individual searchers, which is probably because of collaborative searcher's higher level of focus and participatory. This study helps understand about collaborative search through comparison with individual search, which may provide inspiration for collaborative search system design.
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