

  • 刘素清
  • 北京大学图书馆 北京 100871

收稿日期: 2018-03-04

  修回日期: 2018-05-03

  网络出版日期: 2018-07-20



The Selection of Library Services Platforms Based on the Experience and Perception of Academic Libraries

  • Liu Suqing
  • Peking University Library, Beijing 100871

Received date: 2018-03-04

  Revised date: 2018-05-03

  Online published: 2018-07-20


[目的/意义] 传统的集成图书馆系统(ILS)正在被图书馆服务平台(LSP)所取代,国内许多高校图书馆致力于对ILS的评估和对LSP的考察。然而,LSP的产品多种多样,图书馆很难决定哪种LSP最适合他们。对目前LSP主流产品的市场格局、发展情况进行分析,旨在为计划由ILS转向LSP的高校图书馆决策提供参考。[方法/过程] 基于国外高校图书馆使用LSP的体验和感知,对市场上主要的图书馆服务平台进行分析、评估和总结。[结果/结论]由于ILS/LSP市场的整合,LSP供应商数量正在缩减,目前只有Alma、Sierra和OCLC WMS得到充分实施。此外,开源项目FOLIO的推出为图书馆提供了另外一种思路。但目前这种单一的整合性图书馆服务平台不是解决方案,基于平台由若干松散耦合的组件构成的图书馆生态系统,才是图书馆真正的下一代服务平台,自主创新,研发适合国内图书馆环境的下一代开放服务平台迫在眉睫。


刘素清 . 基于用户馆体验视角的图书馆服务平台选择思考[J]. 图书情报工作, 2018 , 62(14) : 49 -54 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.14.006


[Purpose/significance] Traditional integrated library systems(ILS)are being swiftly replaced by library services platforms (LSP). Many academic libraries across the country are in the midst of assessing their ILSs and looking critically at these LSP. However, the marketplace for LSPs is rapidly changing and it is hard for libraries to decide which LSP is the best fit for their institutions. The paper assesses the market and main functions of LSP products to date, and it is hoped that the study will be of use to academic libraries considering an ILS migration to an LSP.[Method/process] LSP is evaluated based on the survey data about the experience and perception of academic librarians overseas. [Result/conclusion] The number of LSP vendors are shrinking due to consolidation in the ILS/LSP market, and only Alma, Sierra and WMS are fully implemented. Moreover, Open source project FOLIO was announced to bring libraries another way. LSP, as a single, monolithic system, is not the answer. It is a loosely coupled platform-based library ecosystem model that will be the real "next generation" in library automation.


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