[目的/意义]摘要作为学术论文中能够简明扼要地说明研究目的、研究方法和最终结论的陈述部分,具有较高的探究价值和意义。[方法/过程]选取长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory)、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)、LSTM-CRF和CNN-CRF 4种模型,对3 672篇情报学领域的期刊论文进行摘要划分识别研究。[结果/结论]长短期记忆网络模型识别F值最高为69.15%,LSTM-CRF神经网络模型最高F值为88.76%,RNN-CRF模型最高F值达到89.10%,支持向量机分类器分类宏观F值最高为72.04%。该实验结果对图书情报领域的学术论文结构功能划分实验模型选取有较高的参考价值。
[Purpose/significance] Abstract can explain concisely the research purposes, research methods and the final part of the statement, which is of high exploration value and significance.[Method/process] In this paper, four short-term memory networks (long short-term memory, support vector machine, LSTM-CRF and CNN-CRF) were selected to summarize the journal articles of 3672 CNKI databases.[Result/conclusion] The long-term memory network model identifies the highest F value of 69.15%, the maximum F value of LSTM-CRF neural network model is 88.76%, and the highest F value of RNN-CRF model is 89.10%. The highest support vector machine classifier classification macro F value is 72.04%. The experimental results have a high reference value for the selection of the experimental model of the functional structure of academic dissertation in the field of library and information science.
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