

  • 余传明
  • 中南财经政法大学信息与安全工程学院 武汉 430073

收稿日期: 2017-09-06

  修回日期: 2018-03-04

  网络出版日期: 2018-06-05



A Cross-domain Text Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Recurrent Neural Network

  • Yu Chuanming
  • School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073

Received date: 2017-09-06

  Revised date: 2018-03-04

  Online published: 2018-06-05


[目的/意义]通过在标注资源丰富的源领域(Source Domain)中学习,并将目标领域(Target Domain)的文档投影到与源领域相同的特征空间(Feature Space)中去,从而解决目标领域因标注数据量较小而难以获得好的分类模型的问题。[方法/过程]选择亚马逊在书籍、DVD和音乐类目下的中文评论作为实验数据,以跨领域情感分析作为研究任务,提出一种跨领域深度循环神经网络(Cross Domain Deep Recurrent Neural Network,CD-DRNN)模型,实现不同领域环境下的知识迁移。CD-DRNN模型在跨领域环境下的平均分类准确度达到了81.70%,优于传统的栈式长短时记忆网络(Stacked Long Short Term Memory,Stacked-LSTM)模型(79.90%)、双向长短时记忆网络模型(Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory,Bi-LSTM)模型(80.50%)、卷积神经网络长短时记忆网络串联(Convolution Neural Network with Long Short Term Memory,CNN-LSTM)(74.70%)模型以及卷积神经网络长短时记忆网络并联(Merged Convolution Neural Network with Long Short Term Memory,Merged-CNN-LSTM)模型(80.90%)。[结果/结论]源领域和目标领域的知识迁移能够有效解决监督学习在小数据集上难以获得好的分类效果的问题,通过CD-DRNN模型能够从无标注数据中有效地筛选特征,从而大大降低目标领域数据标注相关的工作量。


余传明 . 基于深度循环神经网络的跨领域文本情感分析[J]. 图书情报工作, 2018 , 62(11) : 23 -34 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.11.003


[Purpose/significance] In order to solve the problem of classification model in target domain that caused by the lack of data, this study firstly trains the model of source domain that includes rich labeling/tagging data, and then, projects source and target domain documents into the same feature space. [Method/process] The reviews of three product categories, i.e. books, DVD and music, from Amazon, which are written in Chinese, are taken as the experimental data, and the cross-domain text sentiment analysis is considered as the research task. A novel model, i.e. the Cross Domain Deep Recurrent Neural Network (CD-DRNN), is proposed to achieve knowledge transfer among domains. The average accuracy value of CD-DRNN achieves 81.70%,which excels the values of Stacked Long Short Term Memory (79.90%), Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory(80.50%), Convolution Neural Network with Long Short Term Memory (74.70%) and Merged Convolution Neural Network with Long Short Term Memory (80.90%). [Result/conclusion] Knowledge transfer in source domain and target domain could effectively solve the difficulties of achieving good classification performances on small data sets. The proposed method can be leveraged to effectively select features from unlabeled data, thereby greatly reducing the workload related to data annotation in the target domain.


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