[Purpose/significance] By investigating the intention of Chinese college students to use WeChat library,this paper aims to explore the factors of WeChat library users' usage intentions.So that, we can provide references and advicefor the development and service enhancement of the WeChat library.[Method/process] Research hypothesis was proposed by building an integrated model on the basis of technology acceptance model, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, and information system success model.Then, we selected Chongqing University's WeChat library users as our respondents, adopted questionnaire survey and structural equation modeling to analyze and verify the integrated model.[Result/conclusion] Social influence and using attitude are the main factors of WeChat library users' usage intentions.Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness affect users'usage intentions indirectly. Information quality, system quality and service quality are positively related to the perceived ease of use and the perceived usefulness,but the effect of information quality and service quality on perceived ease of useis not significant.This paper proposed some suggestions for improving services,they have important practical and guiding significance for improving WeChat service level.
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