

  • 黄国彬 ,
  • 邸弘阳 ,
  • 张莎莎 ,
  • 赵千
  • 北京师范大学政府管理学院 北京 100875

收稿日期: 2017-08-30

  修回日期: 2017-11-27

  网络出版日期: 2018-02-20

Analysis of Service Architecture of Data Management Plan Tool DMPTool

  • Huang Guobin ,
  • Di Hongyang ,
  • Zhang Shasha ,
  • Zhao Qian
  • School of Government, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875

Received date: 2017-08-30

  Revised date: 2017-11-27

  Online published: 2018-02-20




黄国彬 , 邸弘阳 , 张莎莎 , 赵千 . 数据管理计划工具DMPTool的服务体系剖析[J]. 图书情报工作, 2018 , 62(4) : 37 -43 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.04.005


[Purpose/significance] The research takes the significant data management plan tool, DMPTool, as the object, and analyzes its features for domestic libraries developing research data services. [Method/process] Based on the system test method and literature research, the article reviewed the development history and the research status of DMPTool, analyzed its service basics of templates, examples and resources, service systems of data management plan services, template and resource services, and users' profile services, and service methods for researchers and institutions. The research also summarized the advantages and limitations of DMPTool application in American academic libraries' research data services. [Result/conclusion] DMPTool is compatible with American funders' requirements for data management plans, and is used as important component of research data services by many academic libraries. Though DMPTool cannot be simply introduced into domestic libraries' research data services, its features deserve to be learned.


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