[Purpose/significance] Based on the diffusing channel as moderator variable, the influence mechanism of the diffuser's characteristics and diffusing content of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on consumer's book purchase intention is studied, which will provide reference for eWOM marketing in book publishing industry.[Method/process]According to information diffusing theory, the theoretical model of eWOM on consumer's book purchase intention is built with the diffusing channel as the moderator variable.The diffusing channel is divided into three types which are cultural promotion, marketing and free discussion platform. The data were collected by questionnaire. The relation between eWOM and consumer's purchase intention was clarified by means of regression analysis, and the influential effect of related factors were empirically tested.[Result/conclusion]The diffusing content (information) has significant direct impact on consumer's book purchase intention. The diffuser's (information source) characteristic has both significant direct impact on purchase intention, and indirect impact with content as the intermediary variable. The diffusing channel (information channel) has significant moderating effect. Between the diffuser's characteristic and purchase intention,cultural promotion platform has the biggest moderating effect. Marketing platform is the second, while free discussion platform is the smallest. Between diffusing content and purchase intention, cultural promotion platform still has the biggest moderating effect.Forum platform is slightly smaller, while marketing platform is the smallest. Finally, suggestions are put forward from three aspects of diffusing content design, celebrity effect exertion and selection and construction of marketing platform.
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