

  • 宋筱璇 ,
  • 刘畅
  • 北京大学信息管理系 北京 100871

收稿日期: 2017-08-11

  修回日期: 2017-11-20

  网络出版日期: 2018-01-20

Assessment of User Knowledge Level Before and After Searching

  • Song Xiaoxuan ,
  • Liu Chang
  • Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871

Received date: 2017-08-11

  Revised date: 2017-11-20

  Online published: 2018-01-20


[目的/意义]信息搜索是人们常用的信息查询方法,目前搜索系统在查找事实型信息时支持效果较好,但是对人们以学习为目的的搜索功能还缺乏研究。"搜索即学习"(search as learning)是近年来交互式信息检索的研究热点,这类研究中将搜索看作学习的过程,并尝试对用户搜索中的知识学习进行评估,进而提出系统支持用户学习的功能优化建议。本文着重解决如何全面评估用户搜索前后的知识水平,为此类研究提供参考。[方法/过程]采用用户实验法,对用户搜索前和搜索后撰写的知识内容进行评估,提出综合数量与质量维度的用户知识评估方法,对用户在学习型任务搜索前后知识水平进行评估。数据分析阶段采用统计方法来验证用户搜索后与搜索前的知识水平差异。[结果/结论]研究发现,用户在知识数量上的表现随着搜索的完成而变得更加全面和深入,在知识点数量、知识面数量、知识面广度和知识面深度上都有显著的提升。同时,在搜索后产生了专业度较高的知识面。对于搜索前较模糊的某些概念,在搜索后表达得更清晰明确。在质量上,搜索后绝大多数的用户都在知识的相关性、分析程度及用户观点的提出方面有所提升。


宋筱璇 , 刘畅 . 搜索前后用户知识水平的评估及其变化情况分析[J]. 图书情报工作, 2018 , 62(2) : 108 -116 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.02.015


[Purpose/significance] Information search extensively influence people's daily lives, and people tend to use search engine to find the information they need. However, the existing search system is better for supporting factual tasks search, and it is not satisfactory to support tasks such as searching in order to learn. In recent years, researchers have begun to pay attention to regarding search as learning, and try to evaluate the knowledge learning in search.[Method/process] For the purpose of mastering users' learning status in search thoroughly, in this paper, 32 students from Peking University were recruited to complete user experiment. User knowledge assessment method considering knowledge quantity and quality comprehensively was established in this paper. Based on this knowledge assessment method, user knowledge level in learning tasks before and after search was evaluated respectively, and the changes of knowledge level were investigated.[Result/conclusion]The research shows that users' performance on knowledge quantity dimension becomes more comprehensive and in-depth with the search completion, and has a significant improvement in the number of knowledge points, the number of knowledge facets, the breadth of knowledge facets and the depth of knowledge facets. At the same time, there are a number of relatively professional knowledge facets after searching. Some vague knowledge concept expressions before searching were expressed more clearly and explicitly after searching. In the dimension of knowledge quality, knowledge relevance, analysis and user opinion, the vast majority of users improve after searching. This paper provides a feasible way for researchers to evaluate user knowledge learning in information search from the perspective of multi-angle evaluation of knowledge status before and after searching.


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