[目的/意义] 依据前景理论的核心内容,深入探究信息搜索的有限理性特征,试图深入揭示用户信息搜索过程中的决策行为规律,为精准分析、评估与预测信息搜索用户行为提供理论指导与方法支持。[方法/过程] 在阐述前景理论核心内容的基础上,采用调查与统计分析方法,以验证用户信息搜索的参照依赖、风险偏好逆转、损失规避、敏感度递减及框架效应。[结果/结论] 用户的信息搜索有限理性行为符合前景理论特征:用户在信息搜索时,存在效率与效果两方面的参照依赖,且面临获利前景时,有风险规避倾向,而面临损失前景时,有风险追求倾向;延迟比提前完成任务的感受更剧烈,符合损失规避特性,且越远离参考点,决策者感受边际变化越少,具有敏感度递减特性;同时,框架效应明显,呈现出正框架风险避免和负框架风险寻求特征。这为利用前景理论进行用户信息搜索行为解释与预测提供了实验证明。
[Purpose/significance] This paper attempts to explore the bounded rationality characteristics of information searching based on the prospect theory.[Method/process] The questionnaire survey was used to test and verify the reference dependency, the risk preference reversal, the loss elusion and risk elusion, the framing effect of users' information searching behavior.[Result/conclusion] The results show that users' information searching behavior conforms to the prospect theory characteristics:there is reference dependency when users search information; users are risk seeking in gain and risk aversion in loss; the pain induced by delay is greater than the happiness induced by finishing tasks ahead of schedule, and with the deviation from references, users' marginal experience is decreasing with diminishing sensitivity; the framing effect is also obvious. The study provides sound experimental evidence that the interpretation and the prediction of the users' information searching behavior are accurate based on the prospect theory.
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