[Purpose/significance] The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries is an example of the rapid development of regional research library alliance after the outbreak of the US economic crisis. Through its detailed investigation and analysis, this paper provides a reference for the construction of regional research library alliance in China.[Method/process] Through the research of the website of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, the relevant literature research, the detailed analysis and summary of its products and services, governance service agencies and staff members are analyzed.[Result/conclusion] The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries has the five characteristics:implementing a hierarchical management and service, emphasizing software and infrastructure construction, attaching importance to cooperation with outside the alliance, being more extensive and keeping up with the development trend of the times. It is necessary to fully promote the enthusiasm of the alliance members, strengthen the awareness of the alliance's long-term development, deepen the library alliance service, attach importance to the development of the library alliance products, attach importance to the expansion of the library alliance service object, attach importance to the cooperation between the library alliance, and hire Library Union staff.
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