[目的/意义] 将引用内容分析与引文著录分析进行比较,旨在引起国内学者、出版商、图书馆、信息服务等相关人员和部门对引用内容研究的关注,促进引文分析理论和实践的全面发展。[方法/过程] 首先对引文著录与引用内容的相关概念进行分析,然后从引用频次的计算、引用极性的分类、引用动机的分析、引文网络中文献之间的关系、应用发展5个角度将引用内容分析与引文著录分析进行比较,得出引用内容分析相对引文著录分析的优势所在。[结果/结论] 与引文著录分析相比较,引用内容分析在科学评价和揭示科学技术发展的特征方面更合理,是引文著录分析的有力补充。
[Purpose/significance] This paper compared citation context analysis and reference description analysis. It aimed at arousing attention on citation context analysis of domestic scholars, publishers, libraries, information service departments and other related staff and departments, in order to promote the comprehensive development of citation analysis in theory and practice. [Method/process] This paper compared citation context analysis and reference description analysis from five accepts: cited frequency calculation,citation polarity classification, citation function classification, the relation between documents in citation network, the application and development of the research.It pointed out the advantages of citation context analysis. [Result/conclusion] Compared with reference description analysis, citation context analysis is more reasonable in scientific evaluation and revealing the characteristics of scientific and technological development, which is a powerful supplement to citation analysis.
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