[Purpose/significance]With the acceleration of China's New-type of urbanization, it is important to analyze the effects of new citizens' information ability on urban life adaptation and the key factors of adaptation, in order to improve the services and management during the process of new citizens'urban life adaptation and the quality of urbanization.[Method/process]Based on the theory of information capability process structure, social adaptation theory and information divide theory, and combined with the characteristics of new citizens' information behavior, a measurement model and a structural equation model were built for measuring the effects of new citizens' information literacy on their adaptation. Afterwards, an empirical study on the two models was done, sampling the new citizens in the Pearl River Delta.[Result/conclusion]The result indicates that there is a positive correlation between the level of new citizens' information literacy and their urban life adaptation. Improving new citizens'information literacy will effectively help them to adapt to urban life. The main factors of new citizens' information literacy that influence new citizens'urban life adaptation can be ranked by significance as follows:the ability to use information, the ability to absorb information, the ability to exchange information, the ability to locate information and the ability to get information. The main influence factors of new citizens'urban life adaptation are ranked by significance as follows:cultural adaptation, economic adaptation, geographical adaptation and social adaptation.
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