[目的/意义] 现有用户行为模型能甄别用户的差异,挖掘用户深层次需求,实现图书馆智慧化精准服务,将用户行为模型运用于"智慧门户"建设,可为"智慧图书馆"建设提供实践案例和参考依据。[方法/过程] 在对现有的图书馆门户系统和用户行为模型进行分析和梳理的基础上,以重庆大学图书馆"智慧门户"建设为例,探索用户行为模型在图书馆"智慧门户"的架构方式。[结果/结论] 实践证明,基于用户行为模型的图书馆"智慧门户"可实现用户、资源、服务以数据为中介的交互,能更准确地预测用户行为和需求,让数据成为图书馆智慧服务的决策依据,是图书馆实现"智慧化"的重要手段。
[Purpose/significance] The existing user behavior models can identify and predict the differences of user needs and make it possible for the library to provide accurate services. Applications of user behavior models in the construction of library "smart portal" can provide a practical case and reference for the evolution of the library towards being "smart". [Method/process] Based on the analysis and research about the library portal systems and user behavior existing library model, this paper takes Chongqing University library "smart portal" as an example, to explore the applications of user behavior model in the framework of the library "smart portal", to achieve interoperability between user data, metadata, and accurate services.[Result/conclusion] The result shows that the library portal based on user behavior models make it possible to realize the interaction between users, resources and services and to predict user behaviors and needs more accurately. It also makes the data become the references of services decisions and become an important way towards smart library.
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