收稿日期: 2016-09-30
修回日期: 2016-12-21
网络出版日期: 2017-01-20
The Building and Application of Knowledge Management Model of Think Tank Based on Open Innovation
Received date: 2016-09-30
Revised date: 2016-12-21
Online published: 2017-01-20
[目的/意义] 在知识社会时代,智库需要充分利用内外部资源进行知识开发和利用,才能适应复杂多变的外部环境与日益高端专业的决策咨询需求。构建智库知识管理模型能为我国新型智库的知识管理实践提出参考,增强智库知识服务能力。[方法/过程] 采用概念模型法,基于开放式创新范式,结合智库知识活动的基本流程,构建智库知识管理模型;采用实例验证法重点调研15个国际知名智库的知识管理实践,对模型进行验证,并结合我国智库建设对该模型进行应用分析。[结果/结论] 基于开放式创新的智库知识管理是利用内外部显性和隐性知识资源,嵌入智库知识活动全流程,以知识内外部流动促进知识创新的过程;模型是由知识基础设施、知识生产、知识创新三部分组成,具备开放性、网络性、动态性特征,验证表明该模型具有可行性和有效性。我国新型智库建设的知识管理应深度整合开放性知识内容,注重专家隐性知识转化;建立广泛的研究合作网络,促进知识流动与共享;増强知识再转化,提升知识服务能力。
耿瑞利 , 申静 . 基于开放式创新的智库知识管理模型构建及应用[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(2) : 121 -128 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.02.016
[Purpose/significance] In the era of knowledge society, think tanks need to make full use of internal and external resources for knowledge development and utilization, in order to adapt to complex and changeable external environment and increasingly high-end professional decision-making consulting needs. Building the knowledge management model of think tank can provide reference for the knowledge management practice of new type think tank in our country, and strengthen the knowledge service ability of think tank. [Method/process] This paper builds the knowledge management model of think tank with the method of conceptual model, based on the open innovation paradigm, combined with the basic process of think tank's knowledge activities, then instance validation method is used to focus on investigation of 15 international famous think tanks' knowledge management practice to verify this model, and the model application analysis is carried out combined with the construction of new type think tank in our country. [Result/conclusion] The knowledge management based on open innovation is the process of using the internal and external explicit and tacit knowledge resources to embed into the whole process of the knowledge activities of the think tanks, and to promote the process of knowledge innovation by internal and external knowledge flows. The knowledge management model consists of three parts: knowledge infrastructure, knowledge production and knowledge innovation, with characteristics of open, networked and dynamic, and the verification shows that the model is feasibility and validity. The knowledge management of the construction of Chinese new type think tanks should deeply integrate open content knowledge, focusing on conversion of experts tacit knowledge; build a broad network of research cooperation, promoting the knowledge flow and sharing of knowledge; enhance knowledge transformation, improving knowledge service ability.
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