收稿日期: 2016-11-06
修回日期: 2016-12-24
网络出版日期: 2017-01-20
Using Gamefication Mode for New First Year Students Information Literacy Training Based on Edventure Builder Platform
Received date: 2016-11-06
Revised date: 2016-12-24
Online published: 2017-01-20
[目的/意义] 尝试利用入馆式寻宝游戏的模式来进行新生信息素养培训设计,为优化游戏类信息素养培训产品、完善高校图书馆新生信息素养培训体系提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程] 将“游戏化”概念引入新生信息素养培训方案,选择Edventure Builder平台作为寻宝游戏开发平台,以满足在移动设备上的使用需求;采用艾伦的敏捷迭代模型进行游戏设计,以所见即所得的方式在短期内完成游戏设计、实施全过程。通过对比预调查与培训结束后的实际结果对培训执行效果进行评估。[结果/结论]“游戏化”培训模式有效地提升了用户参与度,通过培训,用户的图书馆知识/技能水平与使用便利程度感知水平都有了明显提升。同时,指出游戏开发面临许多困难,需要通过借鉴与吸取国内外经验,提升图书馆的服务理念、服务能力加以解决。
关键词: 游戏化; 信息素养; Edventure Builder; 敏捷迭代模型
胡文静 , 王睿 . 基于Edventure Builder的图书馆“游戏化”新生信息素养培训设计[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(2) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.02.010
[Purpose/significance] The paper designs an engaging library orientation module for training Lanzhou University's new first year students, in order to optimize the information literacy training products and improve the information literacy training system of university library.[Method/process] Introduces a concept of Gamefication, and discusses the technical aspects of using the Edventure Builder platform to create scalable and interactive online library orientation activity. Using a successive approximation model(SAM), it builds the process of a mobile library scavenger hunt. Evaluates the training implementation effect by comparing the results of pre-investigation and after training investigation.[Result/conclusion] Gamefication training mode can effectively enhance the user participation.After completed the library scavenger hunt, many students indicated a marked increase in comfortly using the library and the lever of library knowledge and skill. Difficulties faced by game development need to be solved by learning from and absorb the experience at home and abroad and enhancing the service concept and service capabilities.
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