收稿日期: 2016-11-07
修回日期: 2017-01-05
网络出版日期: 2017-01-20
Research of Semantic Publishing Technology Intangible-cultural-heritage Digital Resource Sharing
Received date: 2016-11-07
Revised date: 2017-01-05
Online published: 2017-01-20
[目的/意义] 当前非遗数字资源共享主要通过构建门户网站和数字资源库实现,不能有效解决资源共享时出现的语义异构和互操作问题,也无法使资源在深层次的语义和概念层面互联。以新的导向合理组织非遗数字资源并采用更为有效的方式进行资源交互与展示,对非遗资源在全人类范围内的共建共享具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 提出基于语义出版技术的非遗数字资源共享方案,构建以“楚剧”为具体应用背景的语义出版实例,验证语义出版技术在非遗数字资源共享中的可行性。[结果/结论] 利用语义出版技术实现非遗数字资源共享,可以将出版单位细化到知识单元,有效建立知识单元之间及与外部数据集间的语义关联,并通过知识单元内容重组实现资源共享。
翟姗姗 , 许鑫 , 夏立新 , 石义金 . 语义出版技术在非遗数字资源共享中的应用研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(2) : 23 -31 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.02.003
[Purpose/significance] At present, the sharing of intangible-cultural-heritage digital resources is mainly achieved through the construction of portals and digital resource libraries, which cannot effectively solved the problems of semantic heterogeneity and interoperability when resources are shared. It also cannot let the resources be interconnected at a deeper level of semantic and conceptual level. It is of great significance to construct and share intangible-cultural-heritage resources in the whole world by organizing intangible-cultural-heritage digital resources and adopting more effective ways to exchange and display resources. [Method/process] In this paper, intangible-cultural-heritage digital resource sharing scheme based on semantic publishing technology is proposed, and an example of semantic publishing with "Chu Drama" as its specific application background is constructed. This paper also verifies the feasibility of semantic publishing technology in sharing intangible-cultural-heritage digital resources. [Result/conclusion] Semantic publishing technology can be used to realize the sharing of intangible-cultural-heritage digital resources, which can refine the publishing unit to the knowledge unit, effectively establish the semantic relation between the knowledge units and the external data sets, and realize the resources through knowledge unit content reorganization sharing.
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