[目的/意义] 通过对图书馆行业女性从业者远多于男性这一普遍现象进行社会性别文化归因,寻求对图书馆员这一社会角色的多角度解读。[方法/过程] 借助社会性别理论的基本概念和观点,从劳动性别分工、性别分层、性别关系及性别刻板印象角度对图书馆员性别比失衡现象进行分析。[结果/结论] 当传统社会性别文化表现为主流意识形态时,图书馆员性别比失衡现象便不可避免,这是其文化建构本质及社会对图书馆员职业的价值判断所决定的。
[Purpose/significance] By attributing the common phenomenon that the number of female librarians is more than that of male librarians to gender culture, this paper aims to interpret the social roles of librarians from the multiple perspectives.[Method/process] With the help of the basic concepts and views of gender theory, this paper analyses the sex ratio imbalance of librarians from perspectives of sex division of labor, gender stratification, gender relationship and gender stereotypes.[Result/conclusion] As long as the traditional gender culture is the mainstream ideology of the society, the phenomenon of the sex ratio imbalance of librarians will inevitably occur, which is decided by its essence of cultural construction and the value judgment of librarians' profession made by society.
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