[Purpose/significance] This paper points out such problems on Chinese university collections construction as "theme general, emphasis on warehousing, single service", puts forward a new idea on university collections construction in the perspective of spreading academic spirit, aiming at breaking through the limitations that current Chinese collections are almost like library stacks. [Method/process] This paper takes Shanghai Jiao Tong University construction as an example to illustrate it. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library uses the model for the construction of the "reservoir area + exhibition", and takes "spreading the academic spirit" as the theme, around the "learning, teaching, scientific research and talent training", designs the "president, the famous teachers and masters, excellent alumnus and students, academic leaders" four galleries, displaying Jiao Tong University academic achievements, digging the connotation and value of academic achievements, showing the inheritance and development of Jiao Tong University academic spirit. [Result/conclusion] This new idea breakthroughs the limitations of excessively emphasizing storage function, pays more attention on exhibition, which can effectively support the realization of the University Collections Culture education function and provides reference for universities collections construction.
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