[目的/意义] 调研加拿大高校图书馆数据素养教育现状,总结其特点和经验,为我国探索数据素养教育提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 从数据素养的概念和内涵出发,选取加拿大12所高校图书馆作为研究对象,从教学对象、教学目标、教学形式、教学内容和教学评估5个方面分析加拿大高校图书馆数据素养教育的实践情况,并总结其数据管理培训和数据素养教育的特点和经验。[结果/结论] 可借鉴的加拿大高校图书馆数据素养最佳实践包括:合理安排授课时间和教学内容、选用恰当的教学形式、将数据素养集成到其他课程、教学内容与实践工作相结合以促进创新、可持续开展教学等。
[Purpose/significance] This paper investigates the current data literacy education in Canadian academic libraries and concludes its characteristics and experiences, to provide reference and inspiration for domestic data literacy education exploration.[Method/process] This paper first talks about data literacy and its contents, and then takes 12 academic libraries which have provided data literacy education and research data management training services in Canada as cases, and analyzes current situation of data management education from curriculum goal, students, teaching methods, teaching materials and teaching evaluation.[Result/conclusion] Experiences learn from Canadian academic libraries include reasonable arrangements for teaching content and teaching time, appropriate forms of teaching, integrating data literacy into other courses, combining teaching content with practice.
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