

  • 李明理
  • 河南理工大学图书馆 焦作 454003

收稿日期: 2015-12-14

  修回日期: 2016-02-19

  网络出版日期: 2016-03-20



The Construction Strategies of Library Situations Under the New Media Era

  • Li Mingli
  • Library of Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003

Received date: 2015-12-14

  Revised date: 2016-02-19

  Online published: 2016-03-20


[目的/意义] 新媒体及其深度融合给整个知识生态系统带来了广泛而深刻的影响。图书馆作为知识传播体系中的一个关键节点,正面临着传统服务业务量不断下滑,而数字信息服务方面却难以满足读者需求的尴尬局面。以梅罗维茨的"媒介情境理论"为指导,提出新时期图书馆场景的构建策略,从而为解决当前图书馆面临的问题指明路径。[方法/过程] 依照"媒介情境理论"提出的"媒介是构成场景的核心要素,媒介的演进改变了场景中信息的流动方式,从而导致人们行为的转变"的基本原理,以"满足欲望""响应需求"以及"创造价值"为原则,从"媒介扩展""空间构建""角色转换""业务重组"以及"技术改进"5个方面给出了具体的策略建议。[结果/结论] 图书馆应扩展各类媒介在图书馆中的运用,不断提高知识的传播效率和传播效果;重新规划实体图书馆的空间格局,并重视虚拟图书馆空间的建设;主动转变馆员的角色,并密切关注读者角色的变化;整合原有的业务流程,调整机构设置,改善服务方式和方法;通过技术改进,给予读者更多的人文关怀;合力营造"虚实一体""泛在智能""注重交流""人机一体"的新媒体时代的图书馆新场景。


李明理 . 新媒体时代的图书馆场景构建策略[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(6) : 46 -53 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.06.007


[Purpose/significance] The new media and the profound integration of them have brought extensive and profound impact on the whole knowledge ecosystem. As a critical node in the dissemination of knowledge,library is facing the embarrassing situation-decline of traditional services, and the hungry of digital information services. According to the Meyrowitz's "situation theory of media",this paper presents the construction strategies of the library situation, and points out the way to solve these problems.[Method/process] Based on the situation theory of media and the principle of "satisfying the desire", "responding to the needs" and "creating value", the paper gives some concrete suggestions of the strategy from five aspects: "media expansion", "space construction", "role transformation", "business restructuring" and "technical improvement".[Result/conclusion] We should extend the application of various media in library. This could improve the dissemination efficiency of knowledge as well as the dissemination effect. Library must re-plan the structure of its physical space and pay attention to the construction of a virtual library space. For librarians, they need to change their roles initiatively and pay close attention to the changing of readers' roles. Then library also need to integrate the existing business processes and adjust the organization to improve the ways of services. At last, library should give readers more humanistic care through improving the technology. Based on these changes, a new library situations under new media era will be created. It will have the following characteristics: the integration of virtual and reality,obtaining ubiquitously,paying attention on communication,the human machine incorporation.


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