收稿日期: 2015-12-20
修回日期: 2016-01-15
网络出版日期: 2016-02-05
Analysis of Knowledge Structure Requirement of Research Data Service Personnel in Foreign Academic Libraries:Take the Web Information of IASSIST 2015 for an Example
Received date: 2015-12-20
Revised date: 2016-01-15
Online published: 2016-02-05
周晓燕 , 尹亚丽 . 国外高校图书馆科研数据服务人员知识结构分析——以IASSIST网站中2015年的招聘信息为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016 , 60(3) : 76 -82 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.03.012
[Purpose/significance] This paper mainly investigated the recruitment information of research data specialists in academic libraries to analyze and understand our society's real demand for research data specialists. Then, it analyzed the knowledge structure and job responsibility of research data specialists of foreign academic libraries in big data era. [Method/process] This paper adopted the recruitment information from IASSIST from 2015/1/1 to 2015/12/31, and finally got 72 related records. This paper used online research and content analysis as methods, and analyzed the research data specialists' knowledge structure and job responsibility of foreign academic libraries comprehensively from the dimensions of market demand, knowledge background, overall quality, professional knowledge and special quality.[Result/conclusion] It finds out that the demand of research data specialists in foreign academic libraries lies in master degree, the background of library and information science or social science or other certain specific research field, and ability of data analysis and computer programming. Besides, practice ability and work experience will be preferred in the hiring process, and big data specialists are inter-disciplinary specialists.
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[8] Data repository outreach specialist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6812.
[9] Metadata curation specialist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6401.
[10] Research IT architect/analys[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6352.
[11] Geospatial information system (GIS) librarian & coordinator for data, GIS, and maps[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6405.
[12] Research information scientist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6832.
[13] Research data specialist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6356.
[14] Research data specialist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6678.
[15] Knowledge management & data specialist[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6816.
[16] Data services librarian[EB/OL].[2015-11-15].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6784.
[17] Interdisciplinary quantitative research librarian[EB/OL].[2015-11-15].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6811.
[18] Humanities data curator[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6813.
[19] Statistical disclosure control manager, UK data archive[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6820.
[20] Research data management officer[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6787.
[21] CIC geospatial project metadata coordinator[EB/OL].[2015-11-16].http://www.iassistdata.org/resources/jobs/6404.
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