

  • 吴建华 ,
  • 陈雅楠 ,
  • Harrison H. Yang ,
  • 张斯婷
  • 1. 华中师范大学信息管理学院 武汉 430079;
    2. School of Education, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego 13126
吴建华(ORCID:0000-0001-7707-3222),教授,E-mail:wujh@mail.ccnu.edu.cn;陈雅楠,硕士研究生;Harrison H. Yang,教授;张斯婷,硕士研究生。

收稿日期: 2015-08-07

  修回日期: 2015-08-19

  网络出版日期: 2015-09-05



Design of Problem-Solving Oriented Information Literacy Educational Game

  • Wu Jianhua ,
  • Chen Yanan ,
  • Harrison H. Yang ,
  • Zhang Siting
  • 1. School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079;
    2. School of Education, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego 13126

Received date: 2015-08-07

  Revised date: 2015-08-19

  Online published: 2015-09-05


[目的/意义]探索运用游戏的核心机制即问题解决培养学生利用信息解决问题的能力,寻找实施问题解决游戏学习的有效方法和途径。[方法/过程] 按照创设情境引入问题、分析问题形成策略、运用策略解决问题、反思总结的思路,针对图书分类排架知识的特点,设计分类问题、解密码锁问题、排序问题,置入一系列游戏情境中,并采用Flash制作《启航》小游戏。[结果/结论] 问题解决游戏学习可以有效地促进知识的学习和运用,学习就发生在形成策略和反思的过程中,形式多样的支架可以有效地提供知识与信息。分析知识点的本质特征,设计体现这种特征的问题,把问题置入合适的游戏情境中,是设计面向问题解决的信息素质教育游戏的关键和核心工作。


吴建华 , 陈雅楠 , Harrison H. Yang , 张斯婷 . 面向问题解决的信息素质教育游戏设计[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(17) : 6 -12 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.17.001


[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to explore the effective way of problem-solving game-based learning, to foster students’ ability of using information to solve problems which is the core mechanism of using game. [Method/process] According to the idea of establishing situations, which includes proposing problems, analyzing problems to form strategies, applying strategies to resolve problems and reflecting to summarize, and aiming at the characteristics of book classification and shelving knowledge, this paper designs the problems of classification, combination lock and sorting, embeds them into a series of game situation, and develops a mini-game "Set Sail" with Flash. [Result/conclusion] Problem-solving game-based learning can effectively promote the learning and application of knowledge. Learning in the process of strategy forming and reflection, and scaffolding of various forms are efficacious in providing knowledge and information. The key and core work to design problem-solving game for information literacy education is to analyze the essential characteristic of knowledge, devise problems that embody the characteristics, and embed the problems in the suitable game circumstance.


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