[Purpose/significance]This paper aims to build a historic knowledge retrieval platform, improve the efficiency access for users to history of the People's Republic of China, and promote its publicity and education.[Method/process]It proposes the construction idea and framework of the knowledge retrieval platform based on historic ontology of the People's Republic of China.Based on the ontology knowledge base, this platform uses Neo4j database as data storage, creates three index based on Solr, including instance index, triple index and text item index.For various retrieval demands, the execution process of retrieval engine, construction method of retrieval expression, query processing algorithm and knowledge visualization are designed and implemented.[Result/conclusion]The knowledge retrieval platform has been constructed, which provides entity search, query answering, relevance search, temporal retrieval and semantic resources browsing services.Its framework and implement of key technologies can provide an important reference for depth retrieval service on other domain knowledge.
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