[Purpose/significance]The rapid development of mobile Internet promotes the rapid spread of Mobile Instant Messaging, and research on the influence factors and relations of information ecological chain of Mobile Instant Messaging has a very important significance in promoting the harmonious and stable development of social network information ecosystem.[Method/process]Analysis of information ecological chain of Mobile Instant Messaging and its influencing factors is established from the perspective of information ecology.The empirical research on correlation to the influence factors of information ecological chain of WeChat is tested by using the gray correlation method.[Result/conclusion]The data showed that, the factor of information environment is the strongest affecting factor on users of information ecological chain of Mobile Instant Messaging at the macro; the factor of Chat messages and social environment is the strongest affecting factor on users of information ecological chain of Mobile Instant Messaging at the micro.The study can shed light on functional design and upgrade of Mobile Instant Messaging in a mobile environment.
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