This paper identifies the key citation characteristics of potential articles of “sleeping beauties”, in order to provide a useful reference for the study of predicting “sleeping beauties” articles.Citation curve analytical method can more directly reflect the citation distribution of papers.By introducing this method, this paper constructs citation data over a 10-20 years period of highly-cited articles and “sleeping beauties” articles in the field of “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, and makes a comparative analysis on citation distribution.The results find the citation curve modes of these two kinds of articles and their characteristics.Citation curve for Highly-cited Articles could be attributed to a few types of sustained growth, single obvious peak, double-peaks and oscillation.Citation curve for sleeping beauties could be attributed to a few types of sustained growth, single obvious peak, double-peaks, oscillation and stabilization growth.For each type of citation curve, it analyzes the related factors for formulating specific citation curve of citing papers and the evolution of research topics.It shows that the Time Difference exists in the peak of citation for these two kinds of articles.
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