收稿日期: 2015-01-12
修回日期: 2015-03-02
网络出版日期: 2015-03-20
Summary of the Evolution of Citation Analysis Research: 2001-2014
Received date: 2015-01-12
Revised date: 2015-03-02
Online published: 2015-03-20
[目的/意义]为了解引文分析领域的发展状况,以领域知识载体之一——期刊文献为研究对象,通过知识单元特征描述和知识单元聚类层次结构,发现该领域知识发展的脉络和演进轨迹。[方法/过程]选择2001-2014年汤森路透Web of Science平台结构化的二次文献信息1 166条作为数据源,以信息计量学作为理论基础,利用统计分析、信息计量和分析复杂引文网络的社会网络分析方法,借鉴数据挖掘算法和处理工具技术,描述领域知识体系的特征。[结果/结论]从宏观与微观两个维度,以静态和动态两种方式,利用知识基础与研究前沿的时变对应,通过理论与实践的统一,准确地描述引文分析领域发展的宏观层次结构特征和微观节点属性、静态分布特征和动态演化规律、奠基性的基础理论和突破性的研究前沿。
万昊 , 谭宗颖 , 鲁晶晶 , 朱相丽 . 2001-2014年引文分析领域发展演化综述[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(6) : 120 -136 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.06.018
[Purpose/significance] In order to understand the development of the field of citation analysis, the paper picks periodical literature as domain knowledge carriers for the study and finds the development structure and evolution trajectory in the field of citation analysis through knowledge cell characteristics and knowledge unit hierarchical clusters.[Method/process] This paper chooses Thomson Reuters Web of Science platform as the data source to obtain 1166 structured secondary literature information. Theoretically based on the informetrics, methodologically relying on statistical analysis, informetrics and social network analysis methods and technologically drawing on the data mining algorithms for the sphere of citation analysis, we depict the knowledge structure of the field.[Result/conclusion] From the macro and micro dimensions, based on the correspondence between knowledge base and cutting-edge research frontier and the unification of theory and methodology, this paper accurately describes the macro structure characteristics and micro node attributes in the field of citation analysis to obtain the static distribution characteristics and dynamic evolution laws and find the basic theory and groundbreaking research frontier.
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