收稿日期: 2014-11-24
修回日期: 2015-01-10
网络出版日期: 2015-02-05
Research on the Personal Information PushBased on the Trusted Third Party in the Institutions of Library and Information
Received date: 2014-11-24
Revised date: 2015-01-10
Online published: 2015-02-05
[目的/意义] 为使图书情报机构能全面获取用户真实信息,准确感知用户兴趣和偏好,实施有针对性的个性化信息推送服务,提出一种可信第三方的用户个人信息获取模型。[方法/过程] 该模型通过构建第三方平台存储个人信息,并向用户与图书情报机构提供个人信息管理与应用服务,实现精准的个性化信息推送服务,提高图书情报机构信息资源的利用率。[结果/结论] 可信第三方平台的提出可以克服以下不足:①目前在图书情报机构资源平台注册的用户,其个人信息易被恶意攻击的黑客和某些不良资源商私自传播、滥用和篡改;②部分缺乏安全感的用户使用虚假信息注册;③图书情报机构通过 IP地址认证合法用户的方式不能有效地管理和服务用户。
王福 , 康健 . 基于可信第三方的图书情报机构个性化信息推送研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(3) : 85 -89 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.03.012
[Purpose/significance] This paper will make the library and information institutions can fully obtain the users' real information, accurately percept their interest and preference, realize the personalized information service in library and information service field, and proposes the user personal information access mode based on the trusted third party. [Method/process] The model builds the third platform and stores the personal information, provides personal information management and application service to the users and the library and information organizations, realize accurate personalized information push service and improve the utilization rate of information resources of library and information institutions. [Result/conclusion] The trusted third party platform is proposed to overcome the following issues: ①the personal information of users registered in the resource platform of library and information organization is easy to maliciously attacked by hackers and privately transmitted, abuse and tampered with by some bad resources business; ② part of the users use false information registration for lack a sense of security; ③the library and information organizations which certificate legal user through IP can't effectively manage and service users.
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