收稿日期: 2014-10-09
修回日期: 2014-12-21
网络出版日期: 2015-01-05
Study of Evaluation Index of Patent Industrialization Potential between Domestic and Foreign Patents
Received date: 2014-10-09
Revised date: 2014-12-21
Online published: 2015-01-05
[目的/意义] 目前国内外一些专利评价指标能否用于专利产业化潜力的评价尚具争议,本文对遴选的指标是否适用于国外、国内专利的产业化潜力评价进行验证,尤其针对中国专利的特点,分析与国外专利在产业化潜力评价指标上的异同点。[方法/过程] 从技术、权利、市场三方面的因素进行综合考察,在文献调研的基础上遴选专利产业化潜力评价的相关指标,并利用SPSS统计分析软件通过独立样本T检验等计量方法对这些指标进行效力验证。[结果/结论] 通过专利流氓购买专利和国内转移许可专利对指标体系进行验证,结果可知:国内外专利产业化潜力评价指标存在较大差异。通过实证研究确定了一部分可用于评价国外专利产业化潜力的指标,包括相对被引次数、非专利参考文献数量、IPC分类号个数、权利要求数量、专利族大小、专利年龄、授权后第8年是否维持;可用于评价国内专利产业化潜力的指标,包括专利类型、授权后第5年是否维持。
朱月仙 , 张娴 , 李姝影 , 许轶 , 许海云 . 国内外专利产业化潜力评价指标研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(1) : 127 -133 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.01.017
[Purpose/significance] At present, whether some patent evaluation indicators can be used to evaluate the potential for industrialization is still controversial. This paper checks the efficiency of the chosen reasonable evaluation indicators, especially analyses the feature of Chinese patents, and compares the differences of evaluation indicators of industrialization potential between domestic and foreign patents.[Method/process] Based on a comprehensive literature reviews of worldwide research work, this paper proposes evaluation indicators of patent industrialization potential from three value modalities including technique, legal rights and market, and the efficiency of the evaluation indicators are tested by quantitative methods, such as independent-samples T test using SPSS.[Result/conclusion] Chooses patents bought by patent trolls as samples of foreign patents, Chinese transferred or licensed patents as samples of domestic patents. For these proposed indicators, the verification result is: there is a big difference at evaluation indicators of industrialization potential between domestic and foreign patents.Through the empirical study, there are some evaluation indicators can be used to value industrialization potential for foreign patents, including relative citation frequency, number of non-patent reference, number of IPC Classification, number of claims, patent family size, patent age, "whether renew at the 8th year after patent grant"; some evaluation indicators can be used to value industrialization potential for domestic patents, including patent type, "whether renew at the 5th year after patent grant".
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