收稿日期: 2014-10-22
修回日期: 2014-12-12
网络出版日期: 2015-01-05
Empirical Research of College Library Servicescape Based on Experience Perspective
Received date: 2014-10-22
Revised date: 2014-12-12
Online published: 2015-01-05
[目的/意义] 验证高校图书馆服务场景各维度对服务效果的影响,藉此提出高校图书馆服务场景优化策略。[方法/过程] 在对商业服务场景的已有研究成果进行提炼并融合高校图书馆实际服务场景特点的基础上,以室外变量、一般室内变量、布局与设计变量、标识变量、人员变量5个维度为基础,在问卷调查的数据基础上,利用SPSS分析各维度对服务效果的实际影响。[结果/结论] 5个维度均对高校图书馆服务场景有不同程度的影响力,其中以人员变量最为重要,布局与设计变量次之,再次是其余3个维度。综合整个研究结果,发现馆员友好度、馆内人员密度、参考咨询可及性、他人外显情绪、服务功能、Wi-Fi等上网设置、服务台、灯光、静音程度、室内地面、周围环境是比较重要的因素。 服务场景对于高校图书馆的实际服务效果具有较强的影响力,高校图书馆需要采用加大要素调节力度、完善设计布局、降低人为负面影响等相应策略,提升高校图书馆的实际服务效果。
杨文建 . 基于体验视角的高校图书馆服务场景实证研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015 , 59(1) : 65 -72 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.01.008
[Purpose/significance] By verifying the effects of different variables of college library servicescape on service, this paper puts forward scene optimization strategy of college library.[Method/process] Based on reefing the existing research of commercial servicescape and integrating college library characteristics, it parses the college library servicescape from external variable, general interior variable, layout and design variable, design variable and personnel variable, and analyses the effect of each variable on college library servicescape through questionnaire investigation and use the SPSS.[Result/conclusion] The five variables all have different degree influence on college library servicescape. Human variable is the most important, then layout and design variable, and the others. Integrated throughout the research results, friendliness, density of the staff, reference accessibility, others mood, service functions, Wi-Fi setting, reception, light, the degree of mute, indoor ground, and surrounding environment are the important factors. Servicescape has strong influence on the actual effect of college library service. The college library should put forward corresponding countermeasures such as enhancing the accommodation, improve the design and layout, and reducing the human negative impact, in order to improve the effect of actual service.
Key words: servicescape; college library; variable; scene optimization; countermeasure research
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