收稿日期: 2014-09-24
修回日期: 2014-11-20
网络出版日期: 2014-12-05
Tags Co-occurrence Spectral Clustering Method in Social Tagging Environment
Received date: 2014-09-24
Revised date: 2014-11-20
Online published: 2014-12-05
李慧宗 , 胡学钢 , 何伟 , 潘剑寒 . 社会化标注环境下的标签共现谱聚类方法[J]. 图书情报工作, 2014 , 58(23) : 129 -135 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.23.020
Based on analyzing the tags co-occurrence, a tags co-occurrence spectral clustering method is presented. The method utilizes the co-occurrence relations of tags to measure their correlation, which could avoid the high dimensional and sparse problems when the tag is represented as vector space model. An integrated approach is designed when co-occurrence similarity among tags is measured, and the tag integrated co-occurrence similarity calculation formula is given. Compared with the traditional approach which uses the individual co-occurrence of tags to measure their similarity singly, the integrated approach considers not only the tag individual co-occurrence similarity, but also the tag common co-occurrence group similarity, which could precisely characterize the similarity among tags. Experimental results show that the tag co-occurrence spectral clustering method based on integrated co-occurrence similarity has a better effect.
Key words: social tagging system; tag co-occurrence; spectral clustering; similarity
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