收稿日期: 2013-10-24
修回日期: 2013-11-05
网络出版日期: 2013-11-20
Study on Informatization Facilities in Chinese Academic Libraries
Received date: 2013-10-24
Revised date: 2013-11-05
Online published: 2013-11-20
吴汉华 . 对我国高校图书馆信息化设施建设现状的分析[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(22) : 81 -86,71 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.22.013
In Chinese academic libraries, the wireless network coverage is 49.2%. The mean of 48 port Ethernet Switch is 12 sets and the mean of net server is 10 units. The average of digital resource storage is about 44.3 TB. Almost 61.2% of academic library use the CERNET as the backbone network. In the network bandwidth, almost 50% of academic libraries choose 501 to 1000 Megabytes and almost 75% of them choose 100 Megabytes Intranet bandwidth. The total number of computer is about 392 953 in Chinese academic libraries. In the aspect of Library Integrated system, there are three top brands which are Huiwen, Jinpan and ILAS. If we want to improve the informatization facilities of academic libraries, we should found academic library foundation, tightly cooperate with members in regional academic library alliance and perfect the academic library evaluation index.
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