收稿日期: 2013-03-14
修回日期: 2013-05-28
网络出版日期: 2013-08-20
Shortages and Countermeasures of SDI Service Contract in Library:With Discussion on the Character, Nature and Implementation Doctrine of SDI Service Contract
Received date: 2013-03-14
Revised date: 2013-05-28
Online published: 2013-08-20
山文岑 . 图书馆定题服务合同存在的问题及对策——兼论定题服务合同的性质、特征及履行原则[J]. 图书情报工作, 2013 , 57(16) : 41 -45 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.16.008
At present, the content of SDI service contract is usually expressed by means of standard terms. There are a lot of shortages in SDI service contract: its terms are dispersed, the content of terms are not all-inclusive and concrete, contractual rights and obligations are not clearly expressed, some content are unfair to client, contracting party cannot cooperate to effectually fulfill the SDI service contract, and some behaviors infringe others' copyrights during the course of performance. It is necessary to clearly define that SDI service contract belongs to technical service contract in contract nature, accurately grasp that SDI service contract possesses the characteristics of especial subject, public-welfare contract, non-profit contract, continuous contract and standard form contract, consummate the content of standard terms, and strictly comply with implementation doctrine of SDI service contract.
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