A Study on the Development Strategies of Chinese Library and Information Science Journals
After China entered the WTO,some reforms have been made in the publishing field in order to reach the inter nationalstandard.Based on a comprehensive investigation into the current situation of Chinese libra},and information science journals,the in-temational development trends and lots of typical opinions from various professionals,this report tries to sketch an outline for the 5-10years development strategies for Chinese library and infom,ation science journals on the topics such as goals,principles and mecha-nisms,ete.The aim of this paper is to arouse attention of the authorities concerned and evoke a heated discussion within the profes-soon.
中国 / 图书馆学情报学 / 期刊 / 发展战略 {{custom_keyword}} /
library and information science / journal / developmen / t strategy China {{custom_keyword}} /
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