The Information and Library Science Graduate Education in Australia and Its Enlightenment to Us
从澳大利亚图书馆学情报学学院的变革入手,介绍并分析澳大利亚的研究生教育制 度、专业方向设置与课程设置,进而对我国的研究生教育制度提出一些改进意见。
Starting with the study of innovated library and informatin science in Australia, this paper introduces and analyzes its education system, the arrangement of majors and courses of library and information science graduate education in Australia, and then proposes some improvement suggestions on the graduate education in China.
澳大利亚 / 图书馆学 / 情报学 / 研究生教育 {{custom_keyword}} /
Australia / information science library / science / graduate education {{custom_keyword}} /
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